Wellworks For You Webinar (32 mins)
Wellness Program - Video - Overview of Taylor's program, opportunities to earn plan premium discounts and utilize partner services.
Wellness Program - Video - Overview of Taylor's program, opportunities to earn plan premium discounts and utilize partner services.
HSA Plans - Video - Webinar to learn about the HSA and HSA Plus medical plan coverage and resources.
Surest Plans - Video - Webinar to learn about the UHC Surest and Surest Plus medical plan coverage and resources.
Wellworks For You - Learn how to earn health premium discounts for 2026.
Taylor Wellness - Guide - Calendar of observances that help raise awareness of common health issues - including topics that tie to Taylor's wellness credits.
Benefits - Flyer - The UHC team of advocates help explore care options, resolve claim issues, and more so you get the most out of your health plan.
Benefits - Flyer - Learn about the supplemental benefit plans included with the UHC Surest or HSA medical plans.
Medical - Flyer - Explore One Pass fitness club offers and programs to help make being healthy fun. (UHC/Surest plans)
Retirement - Flyer - Learn about the higher catch-up contribution limit (ages 60-63) for 401(k) starting in 2025.
Medical - Notice - Access Machine-Readable Files, published by UHC as a requirement of the Health Plan Transparency in Coverage Rule.
Plan Comparisons - Website - Interactive tool to help you compare 2025 medical plans and decide with benefits and coverage best meet your needs.
2025 Plans - Q&A - Frequently asked questions from 2025 benefit meetings and UHC medical plan inquiries.
Benefits - Meeting Recording - Overview of 2025 benefits, key changes and open enrollment resources.
Required Documents (2025) - Summary of benefits and coverage and plan notices.
Federal & State Benefits - Video - Webinar to learn about the complex world of federal and state plans, such as Medicare, Social Security, disability and survivor benefits.
Plans & Enrollment - Guide - All benefits and plan options, their cost, eligibility requirements and vendor contacts.
Wellness Program - Premiums - View the 2025 Medical plan premium costs (biweekly) after wellness credit discounts are applied.
Benefits - Email - Message sent from Taylor to introduce the UHC service team and contact information.
Benefits - Video - How the Surest health plan copays are set and how to search for care and costs on the app before your visit.
Benefits - Mailing - View the Open Enrollment flyer mailed to homes mid-September, including UnitedHealthcare plan information and resources.
Benefits - Flyer - View 2025 UnitedHealthcare plans side-by-side comparison.
Benefits - Email - Message sent from HRConnect about the medical provider transition, how to learn more on UnitedHealthcare website and next steps.
Benefits - Email - Message sent from Taylor about the move to UnitedHealthcare medical plans in 2025.
Retirement - Video - Review what to consider when transitioning your savings into income, and ways to develop a retirement plan that suits your goals and lifestyle.
VSP - Flyer - VSP members get 20% savings on glasses and sunglasses, even if yearly benefit is used.
LNA & Vida Health - Video - Learn how our wellbeing partners help our plan members meet health goals through personalized coaching and support.
Shatterproof - Carousel - Learn about the connection between mental health and substance use, warning signs and tips on protecting your own mental health.
Shatterproof - Flyer - View how safer alcohol consumption varies by drink and drinker.
Retirement - Video - Learn how much is enough to save and how to keep growing your assets once you retire.
Lockton Nurse Advocate - Learn how read labels and understand nutrition facts.
Wellworks For You - Learn how to earn health premium discounts for 2025.
Retirement - Video - Firm up your understanding of common investment types, the importance of investing and the right approach for you.
Virtual Physical Therapy - Phone: 855.902.2777 Web: Hingehealth.com/for/taylor
Addiction Support & Resources - Web: justfive.org/taylor/
Fidelity - Article - Key questions to ask each year as you review your savings and retirement strategies.
Taylor Benefit Plans - Flyer - View an overview of our benefit plans and programs – several at no additional cost – that are available to employees and their families.
ComPsych EAP - Article - Feeling a little down after the holidays? Once the decorating, gift-giving, family gatherings and all is over, try some coping tips and don't be afraid to seek help.
Federal & State Benefits - Plan Guidance l Phone: 877.837.4196 l Web: FEDlogicgroup.com l Email: services@fedlogicgroup.com
Plan Comparisons - Website - Interactive tool to help you compare medical plans and decide with benefits and coverage best meet your needs.
Vida - Testimonial - With the support of her Vida health coach, Cindy has set realistic goals and experiencing incredible results.
Vida - Testimonial - Stefanie is impressed with the "ask don't tell" approach of her Vida health coach. Learn how meal planning and timely apps helped improve her numbers and live a healthier...
Article - Select in-season fruits and vegetables in a health-conscious approach, support local agriculture.
Vida - Testimonial - Greg shares his Vida experience and how the program improved his health.
Employee Assistance - Article - Control the effects of stress on your body through simple changes to your daily activities.
WellWorks for You - E Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to try these proven strategies for improved sleep, home safety and more
Breakfast Recipe - from Wellworks
Dinner Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Lunch & Dinner Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Lunch & Sides Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Breakfast Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Breakfast Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Side Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Side Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Side Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Dinner Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Side Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Side Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Side Recipe - from Lockton Nurse Advocates
Dinner Recipe - from Teladoc Health
Dinner Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Dinner Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Lunch Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Breakfast & Lunch Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Breakfast Recipe - from Teladoc Health
Breakfast Recipe - from Teladoc Health
Side Recipe - from Wellworks For You
Dessert Recipe - from Lockton Nurse Advocate
Dessert Recipe - from Teladoc Health
Flexible Spending - Phone: 800.243.5543 Web: optumhealthfinancial.com
Wellbeing Assistance - Phone: 888.628.4824 Web: guidanceresources.com User Name: LFGSupport Password: LFGSupport1
Employee Assistance - Article - Small things you can incorporate into each day to make your life easier and alleviate stress.
WellWorks for You - E-Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to access an interactive learning series to help you manage your diabetes
Vida - Article - You can manage your stress by replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones
Fidelity - Guide - When saving for the long-term, learn how to stay on course with retirement goals during market ups and downs.
WellWorks for You - E-Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to re-evaluate the way you look at your weight
Employee Assistance - Article - Terms like grief, bereavement and mourning are often used in place of each other, but they have different meanings
Employee Assistance - Article - Learn about the health risks associated with obesity
Retirement Plan - Video - Overview of Taylor's 401(k) Plan and Fidelity educational resources and planning tools.
Health Savings Account - Phone: 800.357.6246 Web: hsabank.com
Vida - Article - Forget the gimmicks, and come to terms with these weight-loss truths to help you achieve your goals
Employee Assistance - Article - Set realistic goals that keep you on track
Employee Assistance - Article - Help put a more positive spin on your life. Learn about thinking and believing and tips to make you more productive.
WellWorks for You - E Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to learn why proper posture matters while you're at work
Employee Assistance - Article - Plan for financial success by filling out a budget worksheet
Employee Assistance - Article - Lose those stubborn last few pounds
Merril Lynch - Article - Learn what 401k savings level is right for you
Vida - Testimonial - Read how one Vida member reached her health goals.
Merrill Lynch - Article - How to use your HSA at every stage of your life
Vida - Article - Find your why and truly connect to it
Employee Assistance - Article - Practical tips to help you manage your diabetes
Lockton Nurse Advocate - March Newsletter - Know the risks of colorectal cancer, and learn about sleep apnea symptoms.
Employee Assistance - Article - Make a plan to start paying down those cards
Employee Assistance - Article - Your simple path to a debt-free financial future
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Guide - Recommended preventive care services based on age, gender, health and family history.
Retirement Benefits & HSA - Phone: 800.835.5095 Web: netbenefits.com
WellWorks for You - E-Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to access an interactive learning series to help you manage living with a chronic condition
Workday - Guide - Quick guide that steps through benefit enrollment to be completed in Workday.
WellWorks for You - Newsletter - Strategies to improve your mental health; Less screen time, more interaction; Women's Health Month reminders.
Vida - Article - Mindful eating helps us learn to hear what our body is telling us about hunger and satisfaction
Fidelity - Flyer - Explore and manage your full financial picture and learn ways to improve your retirement savings.
Human Resources Help Center - Get fast answers to questions about your pay, benefits, time off and more. Email: HRConnect@taylor.com
Fidelity - Guide - Get some quick tips and New Year reminders in Fidelity's Winter infographic.
Employee Assistance - Article - Learn how to support others dealing with a mental health disorder.
Fidelity - E-Learning - No matter where you are on your journey, learn what to do next with your money, and how Fidelity can help you confidently take next steps for tomorrow.
Vida - Article - Simple strategies to take charge of your life
Employee Assistance - Article - What you can do after those first few "easy" pounds
WellWorks for You - E Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to help your busy family overcome common nutrition challenges
Vida - Blog - March is National Nutrition Month and a great time to make sure you the facts on fats, which are healthy and which are not.
Lockton - Flyer - Nurses available to support Taylor employees and their families - Phone: 833.782.7403 Email: taylorlna@lockton.com
WellWorks for You - Newsletter - How to modify behaviors for a healthy heart, exercises for blood pressure management and tips for weight training.
Healthcare - Videos - Learn about deductibles, benefits of an HSA plan, qualifying life events and more through informative videos.
Healthcare Support - Video - Hear from our Nurse Advocate partners who help navigate the healthcare system, manage chronic conditions, and assist you in earning wellness program credits.
Enrollment - Guide - Online quick guide to benefits enrollment with video on how to complete enrollment in Workday.
Dental - Phone: 800.448.3815 Web: deltadentalmn.org
Employee Assistance - Quiz - Enter the ComPsych site to determine your current fitness level quickly and easily
Employee Assistance - Article - Common-sense tips for lowering your cholesterol levels
Employee Assistance - Guide - Exercise offers both physical and mental benefits
Vida Health - Video - Overview of Vida's personalized health coaching and Taylor plans available for mental and wellbeing support.
Employee Offers - Flyer - Discounts on movie tickets, laptops, travel and hotels, every day products and more, plus free on-demand virtual classes in wellness and self-development.
COBRA - Phone: 866.301.6681 Web: optumhealthfinancial.com
Compass - Article & Video - Dig into some facts and figures about Alzheimer's, learn the signs and symptoms and ways to help maintain optimal brain health.
Wellness Program - Phone: 800.425.4657 Web: wellworksforyoulogin.com
Wellbeing Sessions - E-Learning - Take advantage of these free courses that focus on various aspects of your overall wellbeing - from managing stress, coping with changes at work, aging and more.
Lockton Nurse Advocate - Newsletter - Learn about substance abuse and the many resources available to help with recovery and maintaining a substance-free life.
WellWorks for You - Guide - Meal plans and shopping lists to promote healthy eating for the entire family
WellWorks for You - E-Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to read important information to keep your heart healthy
Employee Assistance - Guide - Changes are constant in our personal and professional lives. Focus on how to build resiliency during tough times and stay on track with your goals, limit stress and...
Life & Disability Insurance - Phone: 888.480.0156 Web: lincolnfinancial.com
Employee Assistance - Article - Get educated on how student loans really work
Vida - Testimonial - Personalized app features support Brianne's stress management goals.
DailyPay - Resource Center - Learn how to manage your money and save responsibly for retirement.
Health Savings Accounts - Video - Learn more about HSAs, tax advantages and how the accounts work after you retire.
WellWorks for You - E-Learning - Enter the e-learning site at WellWorks for You to learn how to live in the moment and take better care of you
Plans & Enrollment - Guide - All benefits and plan options, their cost, eligibility requirements and vendor contacts.
Employee Assistance - Article - Saying "no" when you are not physically hungry